anping, hengshui, hebei, China – 安平县 – 中国, 渤海湾 | 0086-318-202659 | | | ||
产业 > 建设。建筑材料。设施..专利, 应用 产业 > 金属,废旧,矿产,采矿..虚拟,全息图,3D, |
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 安德莱赫特 (比利时) | 安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 布尔诺 (捷克共和国) |
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 杜布羅夫尼克 (克罗地亚) | 安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 格拉茨 (奥地利) |
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 奥尔堡 (丹麦) | 安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 布尔加斯 (保加利亚) |
安平县 (中国, 渤海湾) - 利马索尔区 (塞浦路斯) |
Galvanized Steel U Nails Fence Staples for Attaching Mesh Fence to Timber Fence Posts
Fence staples U-nails have the body of a nail bent into the shape of a “U” and pointed on both ends. Diamond point, smooth shank, designed for attaching woven wire fencing, welded mesh fence or barbed wire to timber fence posts. U common nails are also used for buiding construction, packing and furnitures. Varieties include Fence Staples, Poultry Netting Staples and Hoop Staples. We export staple fasteners to the United States, India, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.
Activity: Hebei Clavos Common Nails Manufacturing Exports Co., Ltd